Bess, the production

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From Mrs Piperaki

When I decided to produce Bess, little did I know that students would embrace it with so much enthusiasm and love!  I cannot begin to describe the thrill in watching everyone doing such a fantastic job in all three shows both on stage and backstage.  My favourite part is how our students always come together and work as a team, looking out for each other.  I hope the students involved and the audience enjoyed Bess as much as I did!  Finally, I would like to shout out huge congratulations to the whole cast and crew for making this experience an amazing one! You should be very proud of yourselves!  Well done and keep joining our shows as the Performing Arts Faculty has many more exciting plays coming up! 

From Rosalea Hall 8W & Georgia Elia 7W

School productions are always such an honour to be in, as every show is different.  Bess was such a lovely experience and a joy to be a part of.  Being able to connect with the cast, expressing who we are and what we love to do together is something we never want to let go of.  With all of the hard work and dedication put into this show, it has made this whole community feel like family.  Having ourselves put our talent into our character has brought out some amazing and hilarious memories.  We will never forget the time that Spencer and Sulieman had to wait for Azelah and when we voyaged to America. America? Africa, The same thing! Thank you to everyone who has helped put this memory together you are all amazing!

Click here to view the Bess Souvenir Programme